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Monday, May 09, 2005

Tiring Day...

Earlier on i was saying it's going to be a busy week... but seems like i still can blog so frequent... haha.... decided to wash my hair just now... ***since clinics and hospitals are always the places where virus and baterica are plentiful.. heehee *_*...**** haha... so cant go to sleep yet...

Clinic had a short-circuit just when we are closing and preparing to go home... of course delaying my time to go home... sick... but was talking to Dr Heng while waiting... if only i had dr heng's mindset when i was deciding on the course to take... i definitely wont be in engin... i guess it's really tough to be an engineerer... the responsiblity is so great.... and it's really very tough.... theory is difficult... apply the theory is even more difficult...
haha.... dr heng mentioned that he had many friends taken engineering in the past... now most of them are in fields other than engin... haha... i guess i certainly going to follow the majorities' footsteps... haha... though it's really a waste if u dun put the things u learn for 4 years to use... but i guess i dun have the capabilty and the courage to do so....
always thought of being a teacher... but many ppl i talk to discourage me to do so... **only ms wang and ML(*grin*) didnt... heehee... ** ppl like Dr Soo, Mdm Tham, dr chua **sort of... he say no prospect = no $$.... heehee...**.... i really got no idea whether i have the passion.... afterall.. the kids today are really very tough.... was watching channel 8 just now... the program where Desmond koh and that Taiwanese gal... forgotten her name.... host... the kids now are really hard to control... guess basically due to the fact that there are more and more couples with only one kid and pampers the kid so much that they become *SPOIL*... or perhas the divorce rate is increasing over the years and there are more and more broken families and most of these kids lack of love, attention.. and thus cause them to rebel, to seek for attention.... but in general, the kids now are tougher to handle... guess in the past, as i remember, my dad has this comcept that i leave my children to the care of the teachers and if the teachers punishes them, it must be my child's fault and will never harbour the thought whether is the teacher doing sth right or wrong... ie. the teacher is in-charged... wont interfer their way of teaching...
but certainly over the years, the situation changed.... and that is the reason that make me ponder whether shld i go into the teaching line...

seems like i written tons of reasoning... haha... but really... my future seems very vague... i really got no idea what am i suppose to expect when i grad...

granny always tell my dad's cousin that i am in uni... in engin... and dad's cousin will always reply that dun worry some much abt my future now.... major in engin need not be an engineerer.. just like him... PhD in **chemical process *i think*** but is a broker in the past... now retired and enjoying life....
i really admired this uncle of mine.... the last time i saw him was during granny's wake.... he's always looking as gentleman as he is... smart as he is.... and the best thing is he came in sports car... haha.. he's like a 60++ *old man*... guess must be driving the son's car... but anyway... very cool... heehee...
guess i just have to heed his advice.... need nt worry SO MUCH... take things easy... and shall wait till i grad.. haha.... and that will be in another 2 years time... how i wish the day arrive asap... heehee...

oh... was ttalking abt work in the beginnin.... tiring day.... tonnes of patient... lucky today janet ard... ziyun on training.. otherwise i sure cry... now my body aching... haha... over strain.. heehee.. going to sleep soon.... update tml night after i come back from work.... 5-12... sianz... MONDAY BLUES... hope nt many ppl have MONDAY BLUES.. ie. wont get sick and dun need to see doc.... haha... if my bosses ever see this.. heehee they will hate me.... hee heee....

2:21 AM


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Busy weeK...

Yesterday was a fine day.... Dr Tan didnt create prob for me.. haha.. thanks to the trainee... haha... yesterday... was training a gal name Zi Yun...**purple cloud** as she introduce herself... so no time for Dr tan to disturb me... haha...

Yesterday Dr Soo came.. heehee... he rem the wrong date.. came in... i look at him.. *shock*... why are u here... there's a doc inside liao... heehee... den he happily say nvm... den turn and walk away... really kind of cartoon.. heehee...
Yesterday was a new locum... didnt see him before.... kind of young looking.... came nearly empty-handed... only a mineral water bottle.... that's all... i thought he stay nearby... ask him.. den he say he drive.... kind of pai seh... ask stupid qn... heehee...

Working in clinic a bit sianz leh... not just stress over the medicine u dispense... also the stress with doc... patients.... just like yesterday.. so busy.... nt only have to dispense... have too teach... have to pick up the phone... didnt noe y yesterday so many phonecalls.... sick sick sick.... somemore this week have to work everyday..... 5-12... sianz....

tired tired tired....

oh... hhaaa... carol, u miss me ah??? haha.... yar lor... me so nice nice gal... hard for ppl not to miss... haha.... kidding kidding... haha... see maybe next wk can meet up or wat... this week everyday work... ling on course... so have to cover her slots... no choice... but kind of sick... working hours so weird one... sianz... anyway, see u ard huh.... heehee....

going to work liao... sianz... tata...

4:24 PM


Friday, May 06, 2005

Since GrannY pass away....

Since Granny left, i realised i have not been exercising.... be it gym, jogging, strolling, cycling.... haiz... and since she left, i been eating outside food... unhealthy... oily... fattening.... and of course i put on weight.... finally since she left, me went for my first jog... it's been like 2 mths.... saw jia and nick while jogging... first thing that pop out from jia... me put on weight... haha... wat can i say.. esp when my exams are just over.... this exam, i avoided chocolates... becos of my nose bleeding.. but had KFC's shroom burger as my breakfasts and lunches... since i'm alone... no point cooking... furthermore me having my exams.. no time to cook as well....
guess i certainly have to work hard to shed some weight off... sob sob.... haha.... wish me luck

oh... my skin is starting to shed... haha.. just like snake changing it's skin.... kind of disgusting... haha... hor jia?? haha.. dunno u got see just now nt... haha..

talking abt jia... she's very sentimental huh.... colleague switch job... she sob sob... haha.... y sob sob.... no big deal ah... haha.... cheer up lar.... hehee....
oh.... if jia is seeing this... hope u thought though..... found solutions to ur prob... trust me... dun stress yourself up.... discuss with ur parents... sure will have a clearer picture and will solve the prob more easily... yeah.... ^_^

okie... time to sleep... gonna work tml... sianz.... 1pm to 12mn... wat.... 11hours.... tiring man... hope tml is a gd day..... hope tat dr tan dun come up with weird things man... dun create prob for me man....

11:45 PM


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

ExaMs aRe oveR....

Exams are finally over... My last paper on the 30th was a d**n easy paper.... Was very irritated... Many ppl finished the paper far before the end of exam... as for me.. there is a total of 6 qns... i finished the first 5 qns before the first hour... and started to take my time to do the last qn... this s**ks man... kinda of worried... not confident abt the last qn... easy papers are like that... if u dunno how to do a single qn... haiz.... ur grades might end up like C+... haiz... hope that i wont get bad grades man.... this is the only confident paper i had for this sem.... OMG.... please bless me man... granny... if she's ard.. i know what she will say.... nevermind pass can liao... she's always like that... cheering everyone... not adding extra stress on us....

after my last paper... i went to work... as usual... but this time around... went to Malaysia Palm resort on the following day... had plentiful of fun there.... this time round finally can go swimming... jacuzzi... not forgetting our all time favourite bowling... haha... this time round... haha.... got 3 consecutive spear (is that how i spell it?? haha.. no idea...) shiok man... from the last time... got the last position... and this time round.... haha... though didnt get first... but got second... better than nothing man.. haha...

will update further... haha.... wanna go gai gai liao... tata...

2:33 PM
